Increased participation in annual Heritage Fair scheduled for Saturday


February 22, 2018


“This year looks very promising with regard to the increased number of enthusiastic participating organizations and groups.”
Don Smith

There’s a pretty good chance you missed it the first time.

Local heritage organizations shine a light on history in the region that can be hundreds of years old.

But you might not want to miss the displays that’ll be available for viewing this weekend, when Heritage Cornwall’s annual Heritage Fair is held Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Cornwall Square Mall. The event brings together numerous organizations at centre court in the mall, lower level, with the interesting exhibits staffed by experienced and passionate volunteers.

Close to 15 local groups will be represented, and that’s a big increase over the last several years.

“This year looks very promising with regard to the increased number of enthusiastic participating organizations and groups,” said Don Smith, manager/associate curator with the SD&G Historical Society and Cornwall Community Museum and a member of the Heritage Cornwall committee.

The event is part of Heritage Week in Ontario, and stopping by the displays will likely be a fun and educational experience for many.

Checking out the displays is free, but there are going to be some good deals at some of the tables where merchandise is available.

At the Cornwall Community Museum display, there’ll be a good selection of local history books and souvenirs available for purchase.

“Also (from 1 – 4 p.m. members of) our Cornwall General Hospital Down Memory Lane Project partnership team will share some of our table space,” Smith noted. “Handouts will be available, and they look forward to sharing news of how the community can get involved with the project.”

This year’s Heritage Fair showcase will include the Akwesasne Kahwatsi:re Genealogy & Historical Society, the Cornwall Community Museum, Dalkeith Historical Society, The Friends of Crysler’s Farm Battlefield, Genealogie et archives Saint-Laurent, The Bishop’s House of Glengarry, Glengarry Nor’Westers and Loyalist Museum in Williamstown, Glengarry Pioneer Museum in Dunvegan, Heritage/Patrimoine Cornwall, Loyal Orange Association of Canada, Lost Villages Historical Society & Museum, Ontario East British Home Child Family, Railways of SD&G and United Empire Loyalists. FreeholderTodd

© Standard-Freeholder, Thursday, February 22, 2018. Page 3

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